Ready to explode

From a dazzling clear but demarcated field of view, the room expands. Strong, expressive individuals whose personalities color the whole with exciting unpredictability. Meditative sounds are set against pulsating rhythms, slowness against lightning-fast attacks. With an impressive range, the elasticity of the choreography and the dynamic explosive power of the room are both captured and expanded.

Set- and light design
Jens Sethzman
Costume design
Nina Sandström Hallberg
Sverre M Heidenberg, Annika Hyvärinen, Dan Johansson, Asher Lev, Eldad Ben Sasson
Lesley Leslie-Spinks
Made possible with support by the Swedish Arts Council, City of Stockholm and The Swedish Arts Grants Committee.
Örjan Anderssons nya koreografi är bland det tätaste som gjorts inom svensk dans. Densiteten och intensiteten är maximal.
Dance explosion
Dazzling dance in magic light


Mini documentary


Tickets will soon be available