
In the work with movement the focus is put on simple contrasting relationships that oscillates between the concrete, common, downtoearth, to the abstract. Gravitation is a basic theme in the choreographic language. The compositions is completely set together on the basis of a given material and all the solo and duo compositions are worked out on improvised material from the dancers in order to get an expression that is closer to the individual dancer's own qualities. The aim is to create contrasts between two methods of creating choreography. The overall aim with the triptych is top read the music as closely as possible, to try to marry the different pitches in the instruments with the movements of the dancers.

Set- and light design
Jens Sethzman
Costume design
Nina Sandström 
Sarah Bellugi Klima, Piotr Giro, Annika Hyvärinen, Edhem Jesenkovic, Asher Lev, Belinda Nusser, Shintaro O-ue, Eldad Ben Sasson, Philip Schmidt, Ina Sletsjøe, Sara Åhman
Dmitrij Sjostakovitj
Göran Hallberg
Andersson Dance and 'Scen for dans' at NorrlandsOperan.
Made possible with support by the Swedish Arts Council, City of Stockholm and The Swedish Arts Grants Committee.
Örjan Anderssons danskonst präglas av musikalitet, integritet och en stimulerande sökaranda där hans personliga och djärva tolkningar av Sjostakovitjs stråkkvartetter bildar en pännande triologi.
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Mini documentary


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